Dream: In my pregnancies


Ramazan mubarak
to eshaykh team!
I had this dream in 2006 before my son was born. I saw ghumbad Khazra and I saw stars shining bright and moving near the ghumbad – the whole image was just so nice it’s hard to explain. After that I used to see a lot of awliyas in my dreams. Then I saw my sheikh giving out red roses to a group of children that were all boys but were very poor, and they all were smiling. Then my eldest son was born.
In my second pregnancy I saw two boys running to Prophet Muhammad PBUH roza mubarak near the Jaliya. One I know is my eldest son the other one I don’t. But I guess that was my 2nd son.
Are these dreams to do something with my sons?



wa `alaykum salam,

It’s hard to say, dreams do have an expiration.

Ali Elsayed

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