Dream: Invited at the White House


As salam u alikum wa rehamtullahi wa brakatahu

Ya Shaykh Ya Sayydi, I am saw this dream twice in one day, at night. I am getting invited to the White House Ya Sayydi,. The first family invites me and gives me and my family residence in there own bedroom. Even in the dream I cannot belive it, the room is small but comfortable and they say that anything is available to me. My mother and father and wife are also with me .Ya Sayyedi what does this mean.
Please forgive mey lack of adab Ya Shaykh.
May Allah(swt) endless blessings be upon you and on Sultan al awlya, Moulana Shaykh Nazim and May Allah (swt) give him long life and we be under his Rahmat.
Your humble weak servant


wa `alaykum salam,

It means some opening to you for better work or business that you will be successful in it, and it might be a family business, or it might be your own business.

Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

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