Dream: Istikhara dreams


Above link is the question asked about my situation. I requested Shaykh to perform istikhara for [private] with [private] and at the same time I performed istikara too, and had 3 different dreams over the 7 day period. Dream 1- sun shining, my cousin, her friend and me siting on bench outside and an ice cream van came and we got ice cream. Next scene was a street wedding and one woman was adding balloons, then saw the bride in pink and the groom in white (don’t know who they were). Dream 2- inside light and outside windy some of the glass cracks and the rain comes in. Another scene my dad’s friend in a wheel chair and dad’s reading namaaz and the friend comes to the room to put the prayer mat back. Dream 3- I’m reading a naat.
jzk for all your help.


audhu billah mina ‘sh-shaytani ‘r-rajeem,

Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem,

wa `alaykum salam,

The issue mentioned in your original post is complicated if the groom’s father is not in agreement.  Islamically, neither the bride nor the groom may be married against their will, but in practice the family influence often is very strong in marriage issues.  You cannot ask istikhara to choose between two options when both options are not open.  Additionally, it is not protocol to make your own istikhara when you have already asked a pir for his istikhara.  Thirdly, when the pir or shaykh gives his istikhara do not ask for more elaboration as he has already given you whatever information is pertinent or needed.  We ask Allah (swt) to make your situation easier.

For your needs you may recite the following du`a, as taught by the Prophet (s):


Dr. Karim Tourk

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