Dream: Istikhara to open restaurant


Assalamo alaikum, I have been doing Istikhara for five days already about opening up a Halal Restaurant business in New York. I am seeing the basement of restaurant that I used to work at. The basement always looks very worn out. Once I saw I was about to go upstairs but stopped to take a drink of alcohol before stepping on the stairs (I don’t drink). Another time I saw my dead boss smoking cigarette, chewing a Paan (Beetle Leaf) and a little drunk. My boss was trying to tell me something that I didn’t understand. (My boss was Christian). I told him to speak English instead of the language he was speaking to me in. He said, “I am speaking English”. But I didn’t understand him even he repeated several times. We were sitting on the floor. The restaurant basement seemed emptied out. I can’t get it, kindly help.

wa `alaykum salam,
shows it is best to stay away from that intention and Allah knows best.
Hajj Gibril Haddad

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