Dream: Mawlanas bare feet


Assalam u alaykum,

After I started reading awrad again , I contemplated for a couple weeks why Mawlana had not come to me in my dreams in a while.

Then one night I was in Mawlana’s room with someone else (I do not know who).
I was at Mawlana’s side and their bare feet were showing and I went to kiss there blessed foot as I kissed they put there hand on my head and I felt this blue energy flowing out of the top of my head a smokeless flame.

I then woke up but physically could not move. The blue flame was flowing out of my right ear and I heard the sound of a dentist drill entering through my cheek and begin to polish and grind my teeth on my right side I could feel the drill pushing against me .

Thanking for the interpretation jazarkulla har


`Alaykum Salam,

Continue reading awrad regularly and stay away from haram or sins of the tongue such as backbiting or anger. In sha Allah you will be in a good state.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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