Dream: Moon falling to pieces


After Fajr, I dreamt I was on the roof of my building seeing the moon. Some people on the roof of another building.The moon became like a white neon light, broke into pieces & fell on them. I got very scared. I felt that my brother had told me the moon would fall down in the end times. I began running away & asked Allah SWT for help. My Aqiq ring+’Allaahu-Haq Taweez‘ was glowing light orange. I called Shaykh Nazim for help thinking that with Allah’s permission he’ll help.

I couldn’t get down from my building, so I jump to another old building. It’s stone wall had a small opening. I broke part of the stone & got inside. I reached down & ran off to find my brother. I found him crying due to argument with my father. I dont remember the rest of the dream, but I was very very upset.


This dream is self-evident. Your soul is trying to strengthen your belief in the words of your Shaykh. Insha-Allah you will be from those who are safe at that time, which we believe is very near.

Ali Elsayed

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