Dream: Online suitor/marriage proposal.


Dear Shaykh, Assalamu alaykum,

After 22 years of searching for someone to marry and much sabotage to prevent my marrying, I am in contact with a Kashmiri Farooqi man in Pakistan. My dreams about him are such:

  1. I see that our email communications are pure white and there is some bright red colour near them; I too am in the dream.
  2. In a second dream, I see my mother fearfully saying that he is older than me and I also see a Pakistani muslim scholar in this dream, who is also Farooqi.
  3. In a third dream, I see I have received a gift box, white, which has come from Kashmir and contains a coat for me, possibly blue in colour.

Please could you say what these dreams are indicating about my suitor? Humbly Yours from UK.


wa ‘alaykum salam,

Insha-Allah these are good indications, that he will be mature, devout and provide you a comfortable, happy life.

W ‘Allahu `alam,

Taher Siddiqui

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