I was praying namaz in real and I had a vision that I was sitting on water and praying namaz without a prayer mat. Below in front of me is a bazorag ( older man) wearing a turban who has his right hand up facing me. Please can you tell me what this means.
Also I wanted to come and see Sheikh Nazim and Sheikh Hisham but I don’t have enough finances at the moment. Inshaallah I would like to come and meet them very soon. Please do duwa that I can come and all my family can come and see them inshaallah
audhu billah mina ‘sh-shaytani ‘r-rajeem,
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem,
The first dream is confirming your desire to follow the Islam of heavens, practiced by Awliya. Keep your love to these Awliyaullah and Allah will open a way for you insha-Allah.
wa’Allahu a`lam.
Kamau Ayyubi