It’s a Turkish,
Ruyamda yeni bir savas olacakmis.Ben Mehmet degilim de,Ali isminde birisiyim.Canakale Sehitliginde, Peygamber Efedim(SAV)ile beraber yuruyorduk.Onumuze mermerden yapilmis bos bir mezar cikti.O anda bana ilham oldu ve o kabrin Peyganberimize(SAV) ait olacagini bildim,bunun uzerine mezarin uzerine yattim ve agladim.Efendim(SAV)sehit olacakmis ve o kabir onun ikinci kabri olacakmis.Efendimizin(SAV) kabre defnedilecegini dusununuyor ve cok agliyorum.Bos kabir deniz tarafina yakindi sanirim bati olmali. Sonra dogu ya da guney tarafini bana gosteriyor ve siz, benden sonra burada devam edeceksiniz savasmaya diyor.Yine yurumeye devam ederken. Namaz vakti geliyor( hatirlamiyorum hangi vakit) Camiye giriyoruz, Efendimiz(SAV) oturuyor; O oturuken, onun elini sikica tutuyor, operek agliyorum.Efendim’in(SAV) mubarek yuzunu uyandigimda hatirlamiyorum.
In my dream I feel like there’s going to be a war. Instead of my real name “Mehmet” in the dream my name is Ali. I’m walking with Prophet (saw) in Dardanelles Martyr’s cemetery (this is the cemetery in which all Shuhada of the great Canakkale War are buried). Then we came up to a marble grave which was empty. I felt like this grave was for Prophet (saw). I lied on the grave and started crying. I felt like Prophet (saw) will become a Martyr and this will be his second holy grave. I kept crying and crying. This grave was close to the sea, towards (or in) the west. Prophet (saw) showed me either East or South direction and said “after me you’ll continue fighting on that side”. We kept walking. Then prayer time came in. We went to the mosque. Prophet (saw) sat there and while he was sitting I held his hands tightly, kissed them while I was crying. When I woke up I didn’t remember Prophet’s (saw) holy face.
wa `alaykum salam,
O rüya, Çanakkale sava??nda canlar?n? feda etmi?, belki de 200,000’i a?k?n ?ehitin hakiki durumunu simgeliyor. Peygamber Efendimizin “ikinci kabri” olarak gördü?ün, onlar?n herbirinin Muhammed-i Nûr ile giydirildikleri anlam?na gelir, çünkü onlar Peygamberin Hilafetini (Allah?n selam? ve bereketi üzerine olsun), müdafaa etmek, kurtarmak, ve korumak için canlar?n? verdiler. Böylece, ?slam?n en mübarek ?ehitlerinden baz?s? olmakla, Cennette onlara özel bir yak?nl???n ikram edildi?ini görüyorsun, ki orada, geriye kalan bütün insano?lunun Mah?er Gününde kendilerine kat?lmas?n? beklerler. Peygamber Efendimiz (s.a.v) sana senin o tarafta sava?aca??n? haber veriyor, yani in?allah onun Sünnetini tatbik edip, ortaya ç?kmas?yla beraber, Hakk?n yollar?n? savunacaks?n, ve özellikle çünkü Mehdi (a)’in zaman?nda ?stanbul’da çok önemli bir sava? meydana gelecek.
Bu The Approach of Armageddon adl? kitapta (daha geni? kapsaml?) anlat?lm??t?r:
Peygamber (s.a.v)’in bildirisine göre, “Konstantin muhakkak fethedilecektir. Bu fethi yapacak hükümdar ne güzel hükümdar ve onun askerleri ne güzel askerlerdir.” [1]
Osmanl? Padi?ah?, Muhammed Fatih (Fatih Sultan Mehmed)’in Konstantin’i 1453 hicri y?l?nda fethetmesi, Peygamber (s.a.v)’in rivayetine göre K?yamet Alametlerindendir. Bununla beraber, Peygamber Efendimiz (s.a.v) Konstantinin iki kere fethedilecegini rivayet etmi?tir; yani Konstantin tekrar öne ç?kacak. Mu’az ibn Cebel (r)’?n rivayet etti?i hadiste belirtildi?i üzere, bu (fetih), ölü say?s?n?n fazlas?yla olaca?? büyük bir muharebenin ard?ndan gerçekle?ecek (Hurûc ul-Melhame). [2] Bu, a?a??daki hadiste daha geni? kapsaml? aç?klanm??t?r:
1) “?ki büyük f?rka sava??p aralar?nda büyük bir harp olmad?kça K?yamet kopmayacakt?r. Halbuki ikisinin davas? da birdir. (“Lâ tekûmu
es-sâ‘atu hatta taktetile fi’atâni ‘azîmetâni. Yekûnu beynehümâ maktaletun
‘azîmetun de‘vâhumâ vâhideh”)
2) Otuza yak?n yalanc? deccal ç?kmad?kça k?yamet kopmayacakt?r. Bu deccallerin hepsi: «Ben Allah’?n rasulüyüm» iddias?nda bulunacaklard?r.
3) ?lim kald?r?lmad?kça, zelzeleler ço?almad?kça, zaman k?salmad?kça, fitneler zuhur etmedikçe, adam öldürme olaylar? ço?almad?kça k?yamet kopmayacakt?r.
4) Aran?zda mal ço?al?p sel gibi akmad?kça, bu ço?alma öyle olacakt?r ki mal sahibi: «Mal?m?n zekat?n? kim kabul eder?» diye seslenecek. Hatta mal sahibi baz? kimselere zekat vermek isteyecek, fakat zekat arzetti?i kimse:
5) «Benim zekata ihtiyac?m yok» diyecek. ??te bu olmad?kça k?yamet kopmaz.
6) Halk yüksek binalar yapmak yar???na ç?kmad?kça ve bir kimse öbür kimsenin kabri yan?ndan geçerken: «Ke?ke bunun yerinde ben olsayd?m» diye ölümü temenni etmedikçe k?yamet kopmayacakt?r.
7) Güne? bat? taraf?ndan do?unca insanlar olay? görüp toptan iman edecekler. Fakat bu iman evvelce iman etmemi? olan yahut iman?nda hay?r ve fazilet kazanmayan kimselere fayda vermeyecek bir imand?r.
8) K?yamet ?üphesiz kopacakt?r. Bir elbiseyi al?p satmakta olan iki ki?i al??veri?lerini bitiremeden ve elbiseyi katlamadan k?yamet kopacakt?r.
9) K?yamet ?üphesiz kopacakt?r. Hem de sa?mal devesinin sütünü sa?an ki?iye sütü içmek nasib olmadan k?yamet kopacakt?r.
10) Yine k?yamet ?üphesiz kopacak, hem de ki?i havuzunu s?vay?p tamir edecek. Fakat k?yamet ans?z?n kopacak da havuzun suyunu kullanmak nasib olmayacak.
11) K?yamet muhakkak kopacak. Hem de yemek yemekte olan ki?i lokmas?n? a?z?na götürecek. Fakat ans?z?n k?yamet koparak bu ki?iye yemek yemek nasib olmayacak.” [3]
ve Allah en iyisini bilendir.
That dream represents the reality of the shuhada of Dardanelles, who gave their lives, perhaps as many as 200,000 martyrs.
Seeing that it was the Prophet’s “second grave” means that each of them was dressed by the Muhammadan Nur because they died to defend, save and protect the Caliphate of Prophet, upon whom be Allah’s peace and blessings. Thus, insha-Allah , you see they have been granted the special proximity in Paradise as some of the most blessed martyrs in Islam where they are waiting for the rest of humanity to join them on Judgment Day. The Prophet (s) is informing you that you will be fighting on that side means that insha-Allah you will be establishing his Sunnah and supporting the cause of Truth, as it comes forth, and especially because an important battle will take place in Istanbul in the time of Mahdi (as).
This is described in the book by Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, The Approach of Armageddon:
as was predicted by the Prophet (s)…:
Constantinople will surely be conquered. What a most splendid leader is the leader of the army that does so, and most splendid is that army.[1]
The conquest of Constantinople by the Ottoman Sultan Muhammad F?tih in 1453 CE, is a sign of the Last Days according to the hadith of the Prophet (s) However, the Prophet (s) mentioned it would be conquered twice, meaning that Constantinople will again come to prominence. As mentioned in the hadith of Mu`?dh Ibn Jabal (r) this occurs after an enormous battle with many casualties (khur?j ul-malhama),[2] and is further described in this hadith:
The Hour will not appear until there will be two enormous groups fighting each other in a colossal battle and their issue is one (“L? taq?mu as-s?`atu hatta taqtatila fi’at?ni `azh?mat?ni. Yak?nu baynahum? maqtalatun `azh?matun da`w?hum? w?hidah”); till about thirty Dajjals (liars) appear, and each one of them will claim that he is Allah’s Apostle; till the religious knowledge is taken away (by the death of religious scholars); earthquakes will increase in number; time will pass quickly; afflictions will appear; al-Harj, (i.e., killing) will increase; till wealth will be in abundance?so abundant that a wealthy person will worry lest nobody should accept his Zak?t, and whenever he will present it to someone, that person (to whom it will be offered) will say, “I am not in need of it,”; till the people compete with one another in constructing high buildings; till a man when passing by a grave of someone will say, “Would that I were in his place”; and till the sun rises from the West. So when the sun will rise and the people will see it (rising from the West) they will all believe (embrace Islam) but that will be the time when: (As Allah said), {No good will it do to a soul to believe then, if it believed not before, nor earned good (by deeds of righteousness) through its Faith.} (al-An`am, 6:158) And the Hour will be established while two men spreading a garment in front of them but they will not be able to sell it, nor fold it up; and the Hour will be established when a man has milked his she-camel and has taken away the milk but he will not be able to drink it; and the Hour will be established before a man repairing a tank (for his livestock) is able to water (his animals) in it; and the Hour will be established when a person has raised a morsel (of food) to his mouth but will not be able to eat it.[3]
W ‘Allahu `alam
Taher Siddiqui
[1] Sahîh Buhârî. Sah?h Müslim.
?hmed, Müsnâd (4:236). Hâkim, Mustedrak (4:422), Zahabi, Suyûtî, ve
Haysamî. “La-tuftehanne el-kustântinîyyetu. Fela-ni‘am el-emîru emîruhâ
ve la-ni‘am el cey?u zâlike el-cey?”
[2] Melhame iki büyük f?rkan?n aras?nda olan deh?etli, kanl? muharebedir; kan banyosu.
[3] Sahîh Buhârî, “Kitâb el-Fiten” (13:8). Sahîh Müslim, “Kitâb el-Fiten” (1:57).