My grandma called me to see the houses of 50 prophets. It didnt make sense so I was confused. When I came my parents were standing there & my dad was holding a box with a cloth over it smiling, my mum was saying open it. I did & it was a type of brick that I had never seen, words can’t describe it. My mum & dad said it’s a brick from the house of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S). When I had seen it I was overwhelmed with tears. There were 49 prophet’s houses to see & I was just about to see Prophet yahya (A.S) house but then I woke up. I am currently studying in a Naqshbandi school MSN blessed me to go to & the dream took place there, could it be linked?
Sorry if I caused disrespect, May Allah (SWT) bless you & your familes.
wa `alaykum salam,
The house of 50 Prophets is the Meccan Haram, House of Prophet Ibrahim is the Ka`aba, the brick is the Holy Prophet Muhammad (upon him and all Prophets blessings and peace) and the house of Prophet Yahya is Shaam. It is a very good dream, may Allah grant you success in your studies and a high station here and hereafter.
Hajj Gibril Haddad