Tag Archives: Sayyidina Ibrahim

Dream: Prophets’ Houses

My grandma called me to see the houses of 50 prophets. It didnt make sense so I… Continue reading

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Dream: Seeing Ibrahim (AS) maqam

In my dream, I feel that I am either inside or outside the Kabah (can’t be sure) & I open the door or curtain… Continue reading

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Ruby gemstone

qI was wondering what is the spiritual significance of the ruby gemstone? Once, I saw S. Ibrahim (as.) in a dream and he gave me 2 similar perfectly cutted rubies… Continue reading

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Black Stone

I don’t have any knowledge of the Black stone at the Kaba… Continue reading

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Hadiths of Abdals

With regard to the “Hadiths of Abdals” such as, Tabarani said in his “Mu`jam al-awsat”: Anas said that the Prophet said: Continue reading

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Salat al-Ibrahimiyyah

Q: As Muslims, we have been obliged by our Prophet to invoke blessings during each of 5 daily prayers upon Sayiddina Muhammad and his family, as Allah invoked blessings upon Sdn. Ibrahim and his family. Could “Salat al-Ibrahimiyyah” be seen as an invocation that includes the larger Abrahamic family, namely followers of the Jewish and Christian faiths? Continue reading

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Hadith Which Says Prophet Ibrahim (as) “Lied” Three Times

Q: There is a hadith in Bukhari which says that prophet Ibrahim (as) lied on three occasions. Did the prophet Ibraheem (as) lie, because a sahih hadith of Bukhari states that prophet Muhammad (s) said so?

A: It is wrong to say: Ibrahim lied. Adab requires that we only say: the Prophet said: “Ibrahim never lied except for three lies…” Continue reading

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