Assalmu Alaikum Ya Sheikh
May Allah (swt) bless Sh. Nazim and whole team. I saw in afternoon nap that someone is offering me a very nicely cut raw red meat piece. I didn’t take it but he is laos saying its fish meat but its red while fish meat is white. A few days ago I saw myself holding a big fish and I was very happy. What is the interpretation?
I am waiting for a decision on my leave from a job and praying to get leave for a longer period of time without leaving job. Please pray for me.
Jazak ALlah Khairan
Walaikumas Salam Wa Rahmatullah
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Insha Allah Mawlana is praying for you. By not taking the raw meat you were protected from difficulties. The big fish means more sustenance insha Allah on your way. Do not make a decision out of emotion but be patient with your current job and use your mind to arrive at a logical conclusion regarding job. Recite Ya Haleem and Ya Razzaq x100 a day
Syed Shahzaman