Dream: Seeing Mawlana after feeling abandoned


salams. I want only Shaykh Jibril haddad to answer my issue!
I felt Sh. Nazim let me go permanantly, because I went in and out of this tariqa giving up, and  going to other shaykhs. I did the awrad and zikrs – got no benefit!! I decided I’m leaving for good! I saw Sh. Nazim in a dream where I took bay’ah and he gave me a taweez which had different colors on it. After that dream, I still felt no maddad. I decided I’m not returning to this tariqa again!! Days later  I see Sh. Nazim in a dream. I’m with him. I ask can I give bay’ah? He smiled saying “not necessary.”  Then he sat on the ground on the knees. I gave bay’ah to him sitting behind him. We were in Sh. Hisham’s house. Then I held his arm assisting him going towards upstairs. What does this mean?


`Alaykum salam,

It means he is lifting you up willy-nilly whether you feel it or not. All we know is the road feels long so we huff and puff; we are “colored” by our shifting with every wind like a weather vane but they are not like us so don’t worry, the patient does not have to understand how the medicine works or even feel it working. It is working insha-Allah.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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