Dream: Sheikh nazim in gathering


Aslm,some time ago I dreamed I was was waiting in a line with thousands of people waiting to see sheikh nazim,when my turn came to see sheikh nazim I saw that sheikh was wearing clothing the like I have never seen in my life he was wearing a black jubba bt I can only explain it as heavenly,there was two people on either side of sheikh writing in books,a old man asked sheikh if he should write my name amongst sheikh followers and sheikh said yes,after that a white dove appeared and sheikh took the dove and told me that I’m not ready for the dove as yet and he let it go.please explain to me the meaning of this dream


Alaykum salam,
Writing is bayaa and spiritual progress while the dove represents your amana which is special to you. Persevere and pray for us.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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