Assalam Alaikum, Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani,
I dream that you came to kitchen and were washing a frying pan. I shock to see washing and asked, you what are u doing my Shaykh? You asked me, where is Mawlana Shaykh Sultan al-Awliya? I replied, he as taken his food and I have arrange his bed and now sleeping. Then you said I want fry eggs.
I replied, the kitchen is dark, let me on the lights and was about pass the eggs, I wake up. My dearest Mawlana give me your guidance. May Allah bless us and Selawat upon our Rahmatil Alamin. wassalamualaikum wr wb
wa ‘alaykum salam,
a`udhu billah mina ‘sh-shaytani ‘r-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem
The Prophet (s) said that “the master of a people is their servant” showing the heavy burden and responsibility of leadership. Through your love and service to Sultan al-Awliya Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, you attracted the special attention of Mawlana Shaykh Hisham to look after you and especially your family members.
Dr. Karim Tourk