Dream: Surah Kahf


Asalaamlikum Shaykh Hisham.

In my dream I was with a friend on a speed boat and when we stopped there was another person with us who said ” The Sufi Saints saved me and they came down from the heavens”, straight after this me and my friend saw on a big screen come across like sub titles, which was Surah Kahf, I couldn’t make out which Surah it was by my eyes but my heart automatically said it’s Surah Kahf. Sorry for my lack of manners Shaykh Hisham, can you please tell me the meaning for this?

JazakAllah. Walikum Asalaam.


wa `alaykum salam,

It means the time of the expected anti-Messiah (Dajjal) is drawing near, and the saints are the only ones on this earth who can guide mankind to safety from that greatest of tribulations. The Prophet (s) said:

If the Dajjāl comes upon someone who has memorized the first ten verses of Sūrat al-Kahf he cannot harm him. And whoever memorized the last verses of Sūrat al-Kahf will have light on the Day of Judgment.[Imam as-Suyūtī, Durr al-Manthūr.]

Keep to the teachings of the Prophet (s) as taught by the saints in order to attain safety in a time when “black is white,” “white is black”, “heaven is hell” and “truth is falsehood”.

w ‘Allahu `alam,

Taher Siddiqui

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