As Salam u Alykum wa Rehmatullahi wa Barakatahu Ya Sayydi, Ya Shaykh.
Ya Sayydi, In my wife’s dream she sees 3 snakes along with her mother. She wonders why she is trying to protect her as in real life her mother has always tried to harm us .
Ya Sayydi, the first small snake slips out of her mother’s hands as she puts it down in another direction but it starts coming towards my wife. She jumps away and tells her mother that she needs to be more careful in letting go of these snakes.The second snake bites her left arm but my wife sees that there is a very small bite mark but no pain. The third obese snake devours my wife’s entire left arm. Her mother needs a little time and re-energize herself to tackle it. After re-energizing she strategically takes it off and no harm is done to my wife.
wa `alaykum salam,
Insha-Allah it means that your wife’s mom regrets harming her, and is trying to fix whatever harm she may have caused her.
Success is from Allah.
Ali Elsayed