

Salaam, pray that you are well! Lately i have been making dua that my brother and his wife move house as they are not benifiting staying at my fathers. My brother does not contribute to anything and his wife (who is soon having a baby) is not much help too. I want to ask you if there is any solution to this as it is confusing me and i feel that my father is having to pay for everything which is not fair and sad. Please pray for me and my family i am the youngest and feel helpless. May Allah (swt) guide us to the right path. InshAllah


wa `alaykum salam,

Allah is The Provider, so you don’t need to worry if it is fair on your father or not. If your brother and his wife are not causing fitna staying with your father, why “put your finger in it”? You are sure to get “burned”. Be happy you can have more family around, for once separated, families rarely come together in love and harmony. Rather welcome the new addition who is coming and who will insha-Allah be a huge blessing for all and keep good humor and kindness with all, you will have less worries.

And Allah knows best,

Taher Siddiqui

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