black magic/nazar/marriage FAO Sheikh Hisham


The brothers name is [private] and is 23 years old. He wishes to marry me.
I met him in2009 he told me his step mum who lives in Pakistan had done black magic on him(as he is the first son from the 1st wife)which a sheikh there confirmed. The year of 2008 he was going crazy for no reason, always fighting with his parents, so much anger. At the time off telling me he had recovered. In Dec2009 he went back to Pakistan. When he came back to UK he had completely changed. Since then he has gone back to the way he was before when the black magic was done. He goes crazy in anger for no reason has no respect for anyone and now does not live with his family anymore. Has black magic been done again. Please is there anything I can pray for him.


wa `alaykum salam,

See the Post “Prayer Request: for black magic”.


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