Assalamu 3laikum .
Shukran Syedi.
As Mureeds living in the West, we interact with many people from the opposing gender. It is a great blessing when we come across fellow Sunni Muslims and Haqqanis in our life. Many of us are beyond the simply raw lusty type of love that we were into before coming under the light of Sultan Al Awliya, Alhamdullilah. However still, when we meet many beautiful people, it is easy to fall in love with them for their adab, love for the Ulema and Awliya Kiraam and their desire to defend the Ahlus Sunnati Wa’l Jamath. These people are rare pearls, especially in the West where wahabi teachings have spread to produce lots of wahabi-minded thinkers.
However we find it hard to carry things forward and sometimes we are open & honest and it goes nowhere. We are lost. However we require your support and advice.
wa `alaykum salam,
Thank you for your kind words, May Allah give you happeniss in this life and the other life and keep you under Shaykh Nazim’s Umbrella and the Shafa`ah of Rasul Allah (s).
Hajjah Naziha Adil