Family Issues, Adab


Asalamualaykum shaykh,
I wanted to follow islamic practice good manners at home such as we need to sit down when drink water, talk nice to people all these kind of things. This is to show good actions we need to have as a Muslim to my children. I’ve tried myself and teach the children for this, but it only stays for certain time only. The problem is, my husband does not go well with this. He most of the time will condemn my actions (i have to act good as example for my children to follow) because he said I am fake.

1) How to soften my husband to follow good things like what Rasulullah did, is there any zikir that i can do for this?
2)How to soften my children to listen to good things i teach and how to make this stay in their heart?

Thank you so much. Sorry for bad adab.


wa `alaykum salam,
You will tell  your husband that you follow the rule: ‘I will fake it till I make it’ if that is something our Lord has ordered us to practice.

Children learn mostly by watching what we do and less by listening to what we say. Keep practicing what is right. Be persistent and read as much as possible “Ihdinas-siratal-mustaqeem!”

Imam Senad Agic
Head Imam (IABNA)
The Islamic Association of Bosniaks in North America
American Islamic Center – Chicago

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