Hurdle in getting marriage proposal


i am a female & have a problem in getting marriage proposal. it seems like when it cums to marriage even the wind goes against me. although i did the wazifa of reciting durad tunjina 40 days but even than its seems dark. can u plz suggest sum powerful dua/ wazifah to get suitable match & get married. plz pray 4 me also because i feel depressed & suicidal some times because i was almost nearly to marry when everything ends up & now people questions about my marriage teased me alot. plz specialy pray 4 me.&to give sum powerful dua/ wazifah to get marry ASAP.


A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

Please see the advice given here and here.


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