Husband is having an affair


Assalaamualiakum, my husband was working out of town for last 2 yrs. I recently got to know he is having an affair and stays with a lady and her kids. I have a 7 yrs old daughter and don’t want my house to break like this. I want my husband to leave her, come back to us forever and become a pious man. please do dua’a for me and if you could give me a wazeefa so husband comes back and become a good man. JazakALLAH Khair


Alaykum Salam,
May Allah grant you the best in both worlds. “Affairs” and zina are haram in Islam and a big sin. Recite daily Ya Haleem, ya Wadud, ya Jabbar. Keep peace between yourselves. Insha Allah matters will improve.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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