istakhara interpretation


Did istakhara for marriage with guy. I’m a scared wrapped baby being put with another baby with brown eyes staring. It was dark around and fire in corner. Reciting kalma tayba.tine before fajar.


Walaikumas salam Wa Rahmatullah

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,
Insha Allah Khair. There was a difficulty regarding your marriage, but it has been replaced by dua and specifically recitation of Kalma Tayyiba. Please give some sadaka to a poor person, preferably to a blind needy person. Recite Basmala once and then Kalma Tayyib 100x and then recite shukranlillah wal hamdulillah x100 and Darood Shareef 10x and ask Allah for help and happy marriage and healthy children every day. If not, then at least on Friday between `Asr and Magreeb.

Syed Shahzaman

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