

I would not be here if I was not in desperate need of help. I’ve prayed to ALLAH but I need some Dua. This man liked me and I liked him but things ended because we had an age difference and he said he was at a point in his life which was different than mine. I have liked him for four years. Everytime I would pray to Allah that if he’s not meant to be in my life then please help me get over him but that is not happening and I can’t help but feel there might be a reason for this. Missing him has become dangerous for me because I am doing certain things to numb the pain and distract myself from him, things I never thought I would do. So please give me a Dua or a wazifa to get him back. Please.


A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

Wa `alaykum salam,

You may use the dua of Sayyidina Dawud (a) with the intention of marriage. If no improvement after 40 days, then move on.

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