Need to start life together with my husband as he doesn’t live with me since we’re married!


I’m a muslim girl married since last year. From the first day to till now me & my husband living separate. When i ask for moving together as it’s been about 1.5 year we’re married he just avoids somehow or stops coming to see me. I live with my mother & little sister. I failed to convince him that it’s more than high time we start our marital life. He gives fake excuses. Recently we fought over that matter & he stopped contacting. My life became as hell. I love him more than my life. I want to be with him at any cost. Please help me. Advise me some ama’l or wazaif so that i can call my almighty in that proper way & get my husband with me forever.
Please keep in your prayers..


A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

wa `alaykum salam,
Please see the advice given here.


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