Polygamous marriage


Asllam Aleykum,
May Allah swt have mercy on you and the ummati of Muhammad sallahu alehi waslaam.
This question is for my daughter who is extremely depressed. Her husband has three wives her being second. A day before she moved x came to say goodbye to his son, then somehow he said the divorce didn’t go through so they’re now a couple. She still moved to my city and he helped her move the next day. Now he has refused to visit, with so many excuses. My daughter has to make the trips there by train and coz he lives with his mother and shes not allowed to go there and who has dogs in the house. She has to stay in a hotel but she has to pay for it his forcing her to move back with no financial help. She’s on state benefits. Please advise. walkum sallam


Alaykum Salam,
Failing to provide financial support for four consecutive months or more is grounds for the wife to ask for divorce and the husband is obligated to grant it, as it is a precondition of marriage.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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