

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmathullahi Wabarakathuhu.

I just got to learn that my father in his young days when he was married to my mother has had an illegal affair and has a child who will be if it is true a sister to me. My question is what should I do regarding this issue? Should I find this people and find out the exact truth? and If I find them will she be a Mahram to me? I am confused Please help me.

Jazakallahu Hairan


wa `alaykum salam,

You should not disclose this matter to anyone outside your family. This is to protect the integrity of your father – as well as the feelings of your mother – regardless of what happened in the past.

You need not seek out who those people involved were. However, it is beneficial to know who that sister of yours is because she is your Mahram, so not of marriageable kin. You may wish to extend your familial relations with her as her half brother, but do so with your parents’ knowledge and acceptance. There may be some hurdles to overcome at the beginning, however it is best to do it as a family so everyone gets the emotional support they need.

Pray that Allah Almighty will forgive everyone’s sins and mistakes, and move on mutually together with His Love and Blessings.

Allahu A`lam.

Abdul Shakur

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