Positive Response


Sheikh recently a positive response from you was given regarding Istikhara based on what Mawlana Sheikh Nazim had said. I want to proceed with getting married but the man in question has a mild condition of autism meaning he can’t relate to people well or express himself and suffers from anxiety and fear especially when distressed. This has resulted in him not being able to take steps to proceed with the marriage and has gone on for 5 years and could mean not being able to keep a job. He sometimes goes into his own world and makes things really really difficult unintentionality. My parents do not approve based on this. Is Nikah valid with someone with a condition? If I don’t proceed will Mawlana reject me or should I make a go of it.


`Alaykum as-Salam,

Nikah is valid if the husband can provide and interact emotionally and sexually, otherwise not. You as the wife are not meant to choose to carry a life-long burden and you would not be blamed for not doing so. Certainly Mawlana will not reject you for following your parents’ advice in this case and, based on what you have now described, it is also ours.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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