Problems with living with mother-in-law


I have been married now for 3 years and live with my husband’s mother. For these past 3 years my relationship with the mother-in-law is getting worse and worse. She has a very old way of thinking about things and she is always putting me down over the little things like housework. whatever I do is not good enough. I want to be in charge of the cooking and cleaning and looking after my 2 small children without interference from her. My mother-in-law also has 7 other children and they do nothing to help us with her. I am losing my patience and just don’t know how I am going to carry on living like this. Please do you have any suggestions for me?

wa `alaykum salam,
Speak with your husband and tell him you care for his mother as a favor to him because you love him and wish to please him, not because it is your responsibility. Tell him separate space is best to keep respect with his mother and harmony in the family and in order to avoid problems that might affect the marriage. Recite Ya Haleem 100 times every morning for strength and patience.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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