The Prophet SAWS did not die until after the religion had been perfected. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning). “This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion [al-Maa’idah 5:3].
Aa’isha (ra) said: the Prophet SAWS said: “Whoever innovates something in this matter of ours which is not a part of it, will have it rejected.”According to a report narrated by Muslim: “Whoever does an action which is not a part of this matter of ours will have it rejected.”
– Shaykh Ibn Taymiyah (rahimahu lah) said:
Salaat al-Raghaa’ib is bid’ah according to the consensus of the scholars of religion, such as Maalik, al-Shaafa’i, Abu Haneefah, and others . The hadeeth that is narrated concerning it is a lie according to the consensus of the scholars who have knowledge of hadeeth. wa alaykum salam
There is no such consensus and voluntary Salat is definitely part of this Religion.
Imam Ibn al-Salah declared Salat al-Ragha’ib as desirable and rejected the label of innovation. He lived in a time closer to the Prophet than Ibn Taymiyya, so you should follow him instead.
Mulla `Ali al-Qari endorsed Ibn al-Salah’s fatwa in his books on the Holy month of Rajab and Sha`ban and said:
… even if there is no authentic report that it was done by the Prophet, nevertheless, there is no objection in doing it, even on a permanent basis. Granted, to believe that it is a sunna is incorrect, as is its performance in congregation according to some of the Fuqaha‘.
Allah have mercy on all of them.
Those who try to obey Allah and the Prophet by saying that Allah Most High said to remember Him at all times and the Prophet said Salat is Nur in absolute terms, made the best point. They said increase your Nur or do not increase it through voluntary acts, it is all up to you.
Hajj Gibril Haddad