Assalamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullah,
Sheikh Gibril,
I hope you and your family are in ‘aafiya.
My question Sheikh is: Is the following statement from the Prophetic ahadith?
ان ديننا هذا لا يصلح لمستحيي و لا لمتكبر
wa `alaykum salam,
May Allah bless you and yours also.
The correct version of that statement is:
لَا يَتَعَلَّمُ الْعِلْمَ مُسْتَحْيٍ وَلَا مُسْتَكْبِرٌ
“Knowledge is not learned by a timorous person or an arrogant person.”
Spoken by Imam Mujahid, the student of Ibn `Abbas, Allah be well-pleased with them. It is narrated by Abu Nu`aym in Hilyat al-Awliya with a very sound chain and cited by al-Bukhari in his Sahih without chain.
Meaning: Neither feel helpless nor feel that it is beneath you to go and learn. This is encouragement for people who need to learn religious matters.
Hajj Gibril Haddad