Re: “I am the Son of the Two Slaughters”


Assalam `alaykum `Allamah Shaykh Gibril:

My question was in regards to the hadith “I am the son of two slaughters”. Is this a riwayah with any basis within `ilm al-hadith? I read something here ”
45 – ((I am the Son of the two Slaughtered Ones)). Has no base/source (La Asla Lah); “Risalah Latifa” by ibn Qudamah (23), “Al-Lo’lo’ Al-Marsuu’” (81), and “Al-Nukhba Al-Bahiya” by Al-Sinbawi (43)”.

Is this true?

Wassalam alaikum


`Alaykum as-Salam,

Al-Sakhawi in the Maqasid said it is chainless in the wording “I am the son of the Two Sacrificed Ones,” and this is what all the sources you cited said: “Baseless in that wording.” I have not seen Shaykh `Abd al-`Aziz al-Ghumari’s monograph on the latter wording, entitled al-Tibyan li-Hali Hadith Ana Ibnu al-Dhabihayn.

However, Mu`awiya (Allah be well-pleased with him) related that a Bedouin once addressed the Prophet (upon him blessings and peace): “O Son of the Two Sacrificed Ones!” (ya ibna al-dhabihayn) i.e. O descendant of both Isma`il (upon him peace) and `Abd Allah b. `Abd al-Muttalib, whom his father had vowed to sacrifice at the Ka`aba but then he was allowed to sacrifice 100 camels instead.

Narrated by:

– al-Tabari in his Tafsir (Turki ed. 19:598 under verse 37:107) and his Tarikh (1:263);
– al-Hakim, Mustadrak (2:554);
– al-Khila`i in the Khila`iyyat (Shamila ed. §605) cf. Fath al-Bari (12:378).
– Abu Nu`aym in Ma`rifat al-Sahaba, chapter on Mu`awiya.
– Ibn `Asakir, Tarikh Dimashq (56:200-201).
– Ibn Marduyah and al-Tha`alibi per al-Suyuti in al-Durr al-Manthur.

Al-Zamakhshari cites it in his Kashshaf (5:224). Neither Ibn Hajar in al-Kafi al-Shaf (p. 239-240 §949) nor al-Zayla`i in Takhrij al-Kashshaf (3:178 §1090) weakened it but the latter mentions al-Dhahabi’s weakening of the chain.

Because it contains `Abd Allah b. Sa`id who is unknown, Ibn Kathir deems it gharib jiddan while al-Dhahabi in Talkhis al-Mustadrak says its chain is “terminally flimsy” (isnaduhu wahin). Al-Suyuti in his Fatawa also considers it “gharib and its chain contains unknowns.” However, the fact that Ibn Hajar cites it in Fath al-Bari suggests he considered it overall acceptable, and Allah knows best.

Note: Hadith scholars do not identify the author of al-Nukhbat al-Bahiyya by the name “al-Sinbawi” but usually by the title “al-Amir al-Kabir.”

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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