Questions Regarding Haram Actions


Salaam Sidi,

A friend came to me with couple of questions, simple questions but he wants dalil (evidence) to back up the answers. His questions are :

1. Dalil on tattoo … there are a lot of youngsters getting tattoo and notice they are Muslim and still do 5 prayers. I looked on eshaykh but cant find the answer for those who are born Muslim. Why are tattoos not allowed, and how if we found out, guy with tattoo is our imam at a prayer.
—- on eshaykh, for those who are converts they are considered being purified. But, having a tattoo makes them unable to take najis off them?

2. Masturbation — why it is still considered haram although it’s meant to control nafs for unmarried men?

3. Toilet position — is not allowed to have the same position as qiblah, and what’s your view on this?

My apology for taking up your time to answer these questions.
Thank you, may Allah Swt grant you health and higher station, aameen.



Alaykum Salam,

1. Prophet upon him peace said that tattoo brings curse, so it is among the kaba’ir for a Muslim who knows this to get it done on themselves. But non-Muslims, or Muslims who do not know, then they make tawba, then that tawba is accepted even if they have not yet removed it. There is no issue of najasa.

2. No one anywhere said it masturbation is a means of control, on the contrary it is a loss of control. It is like eating on a day of obligatory fasting and is a sin which requires tawba. That is why Prophet upon him peace said marriage is half of religion, so men and women should control their lusts and appetites in a halal way whether single or married.

3. In open space facing qibla is not allowed when going to toilet but if it is indoors it is not an issue. This is shown by the hadiths in which the Holy Prophet (upon him blessings and peace) did face qibla when he was in a secluded space.

And Allah knows best.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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