Asking for Madad?


Is it permitted to ask “Ya Shaykh `Abdal-Qadir madad!”?


Yes, it is permitted, and it is mentioned in the sunnah of our The Holy Prophet (s) where he said:”If one of you loses something or seeks help or a helper (ghawth), and he is in a land where there is no one to befriend, let him say: “O servants of Allah, help me! (ya `ibad Allah, aghithuni), for verily Allah has servants whom one does not see.”

See the article: Permissibility of Calling “O my Shaykh Madad!”

and the article: Asking “Ya Shaykh Madad!” – Istighatha/Isti`ana

and the article at Dar al-Ifta al-Misriyyah on Hadith of Asking for Help (Arabic).

Taher Siddiqui

reviewed and approved by Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

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