Drop shipping business



i would like to know the validity of drop shipping business..
i have read in some articles..its must follow certain conditions
i made istikharah whether it is good for me to do so..
i got this ayah:

What! [Am I to have a daughter -] one who is to be reared [only] for the sake of ornament?” and thereupon he finds himself torn by a vague inner conflict.” (43:18)

it seems like not good.

I am a bit confused after reading the article that allowing its to be done but with certain condition.

“Islam and online sales ecommerce”

what should i do?


Hakîm b. Hazzâm relates that he asked the Prophet (peace be upon him): “A man comes to me and asks me to sell him something that I do not have. Should I sell it to him and then go and acquire it for him from the marketplace?”

The Prophet (peace be upon him) replied: “Do not sell what you do not have.” [Sunan al-Ttirmidhî(1232), Sunan Abû Dâwûd (3503), Sunan al-Nasâ’î (4611), and Sunan Ibn Mâjah (2187)]

Muslim scholars have different opinions about the meaning of this hadith. Majority of them argue that the meaning of “what you do not have” is “what you are unsure that you will be able to acquire.” Allah knows best.

Shaykh Senad Agic
Imam American Islamic Center

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