

As salamou alikoum, dears brothers from eshaikh, may Allah swt, grants you inner peace and blessings upon sayydina Muhammad and his noble family, long life to mawlana Sheikh Nazim and Sheikh Hicham and theirs beautiful family
I would like to know, please, if MONITORING not ultra sound, on pregnancy, my wife is pregnant ( to observe the heart beat of the baby, the same machine they use like in lies test ) is halal or haram in sharia way? is it dangerous for the baby? thank you so much


Wa `alaykum as-Salam,

Allah bless you,

In Islam, anything useful for the patient is Halal [permitted], and anything harnful is Haram [prohibited].

Fetal monitoring includes listening with the fetoscope [like a funnel], and electronic means to monitor the fetal heart beat as doppler [a form of ultrasound]. These are Halal if they are deemed helpful to the patient. Because any technology may have harms it is important to have a wise physician guide the patient in the necessity of these tests. Overtesting can lead to unnecessary interventions with their risks and exposure to unknown risks and so is frowned upon by the medical community. A patient’s
trusted physician can help her weigh these risks against the benefits of early detection and treatment of problems. For example in a high risk pregnancy generally more monitoring is performed and in a low risk pregnancy less may be needed.

Dr. H. Bazaraa

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