Is surgery an option?


asalamalaykum wr wb, Is cosmetic surgery allowed in Islam. For a long time now people have been making fun of a facial feature of mine that I’ve suffered for since I was younger up until now. I hate doing things, interacting with people or the slightest things that can draw attention to me and make me the joke for everyone and for me to get picked on. I try to avoid conversations and people because they always put me lower when they say something. I usually ignore it so others don’t hear it and laugh too. This has been a huge issue in my life. I’m thankful but for the sake of not getting picked on and made fun of up until now and even later on, is surgery an option? For relief? This is always so traumatizing to me. Everyday of life is a struggle. asalamalykum, jazakallahkahir. medad!


wa `alaykum salam,

This kind of operation is permissible. There is evidence in the Sunnah to indicate thatĀ it isĀ permissible.

Imam Senad Agic, Ph.D.
Head Imam (IABNA)
The Islamic Association of Bosniaks in North America

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