People’s Objection to Shrines


Asslamualaikum Mawlana.

I dont know the correct adab, I hope I do not say anything wrong. I get frustrated when people have objections to the building of Shrines of saints, and they say that according to shariah graves are supposed to be on level with the ground, not to be made of tiles and ostentatious. Which makes the people of the other camp think that if we were right we would know that and wouldnt support something against Shariah.
I dont know what to answer to them, but it bothers me not knowing what to say to that objection. Please guide me.

Also, Mawlana, please pray that I am able to change a lot of peoples hearts and bring them towards sufism, I want to help people gain the benefits of tariqat, pray for me that with Shaikh Nazims blessings I am able to persuade people and help them towards tariqat.


`Alaykum assalam,

See the post at Raised Graves for the answer.

May Allah grant us the redress of our hearts without which we cannot even guide ourselves, much less others.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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