Alhumdulillah I can now have a minor surgery which I’ve wanted for nearly 3 decades, but first want to clear its permissibility.
The surgery is to sew my upper lip to my gums as mine do not have connecting tissue, thus causing my upper lip to show a very large swath of bony gums when I smile. This is unattractive but also awkward since in dry weather my lip and gums can dry and fuse together when I smile, so I must peel them apart with my fingers. Also in cold weather my gums are sensitive to the air.
Alhumdulillah the surgery is afforddable and minor, almost like having a few stitches, with no post-operative down-time and no significant or common risk factors.
Thank you!
p.s. My husband wants me to say that he is neither supporting nor denying the surgery as he loves me how I am alhumdulillah.
wa `alaykum salam,
It is medical surgery and permissible.
Hajj Gibril Haddad