Putting a Pet to ‘Sleep’?


Dear Hajjah Naziha

As salam alaykum wa rahatmullah wa barakatuh,
May Allah Bless you and your family endlessly for all you do for us. I hope this is not a silly question. I have a cat who is 15 years old. She has had a skin disease that she keeps scratching till it bleeds. It is an open wound around her ear, and it is spreading. It has been 2 months and it has not improved. I don’t know if she is in pain but I know it itches her. Is it better to put her to sleep, or is that against Islam to kill her.
Thank you, and I am sorry for bothering you about this. But am confused about what to do.
May Allah give you a long , healthy, happy life.
All my Love and respect


Islamicly, you can’t put your pet to sleep.
Let her die with Allah’s Will.

Hajjah Naziha

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