Prayer Request: chronic fatigue syndrome


assalamulakum, my name is [private] i am humbly asking shaik hisham to pray for me, i am still suffering from chronic fatigue for almost 9 years now, i tried to follow the advise given when i last posted,’Prayer Request: Prayer for chronic fatigue’
but my condition is still continuing, i remember to recite hasbunallah rabunallah , aswell as salawat and shukrlilah and the other zikrs as well as trying to use wudu as energy, i am currently still unable to work, study or marry, because of my illness. Please can u pray that allah increases me in remeberence of death and afterlife and opens my heart for islam, like the wali in the cave so that at least my heart will always be absorbed in love for allah, and i wont care about my illness or what people say of me.


wa `alaykum salam,

Every day take one cup of hot water in morning and put in it 2-3 teaspoons of honey at Zhuhr time. Then, at every prayer another dose (1 cup) and then your power and energy will come back and you will be well, insha-Allah.

Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

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