Problems upon waking up


Salaam Alaykum,

I have a friend who is not Muslim but is interested in Sufism. For the past year he has been having serious problems waking up in the morning. Every morning he wakes up extremely depressed with no desire to continue living, a very bad headache, dizziness, dehydration and nausea. No matter what he did the previous day, he wakes up like this and can barely get out of bed. After he has been awake for a while the symptoms decrease. This problem has been increasing over about the course of a year, and are continuing to get worse. Is there anything he can do before going to bed the night before to help this?


`Alaykum Salam,
As Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (Allah bless his secret) said in the introduction to “Natural Medicine,” faith is the door to every cure, so 1st prescription is Shahada. Invite him to Islam. If he drinks then decrease and stop alcohol consumption, and let him sit with Mawlana or a gathering of dhikr, he will get better insha-Allah.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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