Itchy, Scratching Too Much


As-salaam alaikum,
I keep getting this really wired feeling around my body, it’s like something is there but when I go to look it’s nothing , tried to use creams and different soups but no help , I occasionally keep having to scratch my body everywhere. Can you help me and tell me what’s happening as this is driving me mad. Also, I keep seeing the number 107, if I was to turn my car in the street the by chance I would be turning around at number 107 house , is I look at my speedometer I happen to look at it at 107 miles , if certain people text me at 1:07 , am I mad?


`Alaykum Salam,

No, you are not mad because you have iman, insha-Allah. Give sadaqa daily even small, and read Surat al-Fatiha every time this troubles you.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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