

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah,

Recently, my skin drastically starting changing. It started with a couple of bumps, but now my entire face is covered in tiny flesh colored bumps along with red bumps. There is not one spot on my face without a bump. The entire surface of my face is rough and I have tried every remedy, medicine, and dermatologist but my skin is only worsening. This is so difficult for me as I am a 23 year old girl and it’s ruining my self esteem. I pray for myself all the time, but are there any specific duas that can help me in this situation?

Please pray for me
Jazakallah khair


wa `alaykum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

Yes, there is an excellent dua for skin problems advised by Shaykh Gibril in this post. See also here.


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