Sunnah foods


Asalaam alaikum Saidi MSH.

I was very recently unwell due to my diet and fluid intake. This led to a lot of digestive system problems and made me feel weak. What are the best foods to have to increase strength, improve our spiritual beings and to avoid such problems as I have just had based on the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) and Mawlana shaykh Nazim(Q)?



As Salamu `alaykum,

May Allah grant you good health. All our success originates from sound belief and to accept, love, and obey our Creator. The Quran says  ” eat from your Lord’s provision and thank Him, a good village and a forgiving Lord”(34:15) “Eat and drink and do not waste” (7:31) and “..made lawful for you are the good things...” (5:4).

Therefore the way to spiritual success and bodily health is based on obeying our Creator and having purity of thought, no junk, and purity of food, no junk. Eat in moderation, natural halal foods, leave one-third of the stomach empty to improve digestion, eat only when needed, for example when hungry or to sustain a long day of work. Avoid as possible food additives and preservatives, and foods containing highly processed products not found in nature. Remember to thank Allah as much as possible for His countless blessings on us.

Stay active, and if you still have health problems seek the advise of a wise medical practitioner.

May Allah grant us success. Ameen

Hesham Bazaraa

reviewed and approved by Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

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