Dear shaykh,
4 years go I lost my mind.My parents are not good muslims and they thought it happened due to me learning about Islam, and learning and understanding Quran. They think too much Islam makes a person extremist and mad. They also put fear in my mind that all sheikhs are just lying and no one follows Islam in reality and they are making a fool out of me to make me an extremist. There is irrational fear in my heart now that if I learn about Islam or understand the Quran then I will go mad, and fear that the sheikhs are just fooling me? These waswas even bother me about MSN and MSH… even though I love them and see true dreams of them.
It ashames me much and I really want to be a strong Muslim. Please have pity on me, suggest some cure.
To get rid of waswas, you may follow the advice given in the Post “How to control shaytan’s whispers“.