Please accept my sincere thanks for writing, publishing and distributing the Naqshbandi Guidebook. Not only is this book indispensable in the daily prayers and practices but proved invaluable during our recent umra‘. Courtesy the Guidebook my family and I learnt the proper adab of visiting the holy cities, entering the Haram through Babus-Salam, greeting the Kaaba with tawaaf qudum, etc. The book has duas from the moment of boarding our flight for the holy city! Upon entering the city it taught us to ask rijaal Allah to help in our visit and in showing proper respect!
Thank you also for this wonderful website. By the Grace of Allah, I offered shukr for this website and the Guidebook in the Hijre Ismail and asked Allah SWT to bless the Shuyukh, and all their supporters involved with these illustrious projects.
Wa-assalamualykum wa Rahamtullahi wa Barakatuhu.
Amin, and Allah bless you.