Performance of Hajj with menstruation


Is a woman allowed to sit by the stairs in the Haram in Makkah while she has her menses?


Yes, if she is a traveller who is there for Hajj or `Umrah. It was narrated by Bukhari that Umm al-Mu’minin `A’isha (Allah be well-pleased with her) said, “I arrived in Mecca and at the time I was in my monthly period. I had not performed the Tawaf of the (Ka`bah), nor had I performed the (Sa`i) between Safa and Marwa.” She continues, “I mentioned this to the Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) and he said to me, ‘Do as the Hajji (Hajj pilgrim) does other than performing Tawaf of the (Ka`bah) until you are clean.'”

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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