Request for help with waswas


Assalamualaikum Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham and family and all eshaykh staff.

Madad Ya Sayidi. I need your help with overcoming waswas. I keep feeling like my wudu‘ is not valid or that I am unclean and therefore my prayers are not valid. I have repeated my prayers many times because of this. I am very afraid that after I die, it will be seen as if I did not do my prayers because my wudu‘ was not valid. This has been going on too long. I’m worried about this everyday. I’m also causing stress to my family because I confide in them about this. I feel helpless and very disappointed in myself that I cannot even pray properly. I’m very afraid of dying with no ‘amal. This has caused me to cry often and still I don’t improve.


wa `alaykum salam,

See the Post “Urination, ablution and doubts


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